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Terms of use

Components Direct is committed to providing you with the best possible service. This page aims to help you understand how to use the information published on this website.

Dimension & Load Values

All dimensions shown are in millimetres unless otherwise stated.

Where overall dimensions are shown these are generally rounded to full millimetres. Decimal points are carried only where it is important for the fit and function of the component.

Load values refer to static condition only unless otherwise stated. Varying conditions and environments can result in different load values therefore we recommend that tests are carried out using samples supplied by us.

All dimensions and technical specifications are subject to change without notice; improvements to tooling, design and finish are carried out constantly. If these improvements affect the fit or function of a part that you already take from us we will advise you of the change.

Metal Finishes & Statutory Requirements

At Components Direct we pride ourselves on keeping abreast of the various Environmental and Health & Safety issues that affect us. In the near future our parts and corrosion-resistant finishes will have to comply with statutory requirements such as the End-of-Life Vehicle (ELV), Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), and Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) directives.

With this in mind, we have taken the decision to omit the finish details of metal fasteners from this edition of our catalogue. Our Sales department can advise you which finishes are readily available for a particular part and will consult our Technical department in order to advise on suitable alternatives, particularly if environmental issues are involved.


Drawings*, CAD data*, Initial Sample Inspection Reports (ISIR) and Certificates of Conformity (C of C) are available on request (*or available to download from our website).

PPAPs and other types of specialised Quality Support documentation can be supplied where applicable. There may be a charge for this service. Please contact us for further information.

Suitability for Purpose

Please note that while we make every effort to ensure that the information published on this website is accurate Components Direct cannot be held responsible for any errors, typographical or otherwise. This includes 3D CAD model data.

Drawings and images are for reference only and should not be used for product specification.

For new applications we recommend that you carry out assembly tests using samples supplied by us.

Terms & Conditions for the Use of Downloadable or Supplied Data 

Use of Data 
A website user or customer or potential customer (either an individual or a company, hereinafter referred to as the “User”) can use the Data available on the website (hereinafter referred to as this “Site”) managed by Components Direct (a division of JET PRESS LIMITED) or Data supplied by a representative of Components Direct only if he/she accepts the following terms and conditions of use (hereinafter referred to as the “Rules”) of Downloadable or Supplied Data (hereinafter referred to as the “Data”). 
The Rules constitute a legal agreement between the User and Components Direct. By viewing or downloading the Data, the User shall be deemed to agree to be legally bound by the provisions of the Rules. 
Under no circumstances can Components Direct allow a User to view, save, or use the Data if the User does not accept the Rules. You must not download or view the contents of Data if you do not agree to abide by the Rules. 

Clause 1: Definition 
In the Rules, Data refers to electronic data files (PDF, IGES, STL, STEP and DXF data, as well as other data files usable on specific applications) which can be downloaded and/or viewed through this Site or supplied by any representative of Components Direct. 

Clause 2: Usage Permission 
As long as the User abides by the Rules, Components Direct grants a non-exclusive, non-transferable and limited license to the User to enable him/her to conduct the following activities: 

1)    To download and store Data on one computer and recording medium of the User, or on a secure central server of the User’s company.
2)    To view the stored Data solely with the purpose of examining the feasibility of adopting Components Direct products.
3)    To view the stored Data solely with the purpose of examining and designing a User's product which adopts a Components Direct product.

Clause 3: Changes in Data 
Components Direct may change or delete the Data at any time, without prior notice. 

Clause 4: Prohibited Activities 

1)    The User shall not delete the copyright notice or notices about other rights displayed or incorporated in the Data.
2)    The User shall not modify any part of the Data.
3)    The User shall not disclose the Data to a third party without written consent from Components Direct and agreement by the third party to these terms and conditions.
4)    The User shall not sell, transfer, rent or otherwise dispose of the Data.
5)    Under no circumstances shall the User perform any activity other than those specified in Clause 2 (Usage Permission).
Components Direct particularly prohibits the reproduction of the Data and development of User’s data based on the Data.

Clause 5: Reservation of Rights 
The proprietary rights and intellectual property rights of the Data are reserved by Components Direct or by the entitled person. These rights are not transferred to the User through usage permission under the Rules. 

Clause 6: Maintenance of Confidentiality 
The User shall keep the Data in confidence and shall use it solely for his/her personal use (or within the company, if the User is a company). If the User transfers or resells the computer or recording medium in which the Data is stored, he/she must completely remove the Data from it beforehand. Any activity violating this shall be treated as a violation of Clause 4 (Prohibited Items). 

Clause 7: Cancellation of Usage Permission 
If the User violates any provision of the Rules, the usage permission for Data under the Rules shall be automatically terminated. In such a case, the User shall immediately delete all Data. 

Clause 8: Availability Conditions 
The usage permission for the Data is granted free of charge. Therefore, the Data shall be used under the sole responsibility of the User in each of the conditions mentioned below: 

1)    The Data is provided as is without any warranty. Components Direct does not assume any responsibility whatsoever with regard to the Data, even in the case of a mismatch between the drawing data and actual product dimensions, abnormalities, including any errors in the content, non-conformance to the Users purpose, or any other problem.
2)    While Components Direct has the right to publish the Data on its websites, it does not warrant that the use of the Data shall not cause an infringement of the intellectual property rights or other rights of a third party. If, in any case, use of the Data causes an infringement of the rights of a third party, the issue shall be resolved under the responsibility and at the expense of the User.
3)    Components Direct does not bear any obligation to provide support service for the Data (including all forms of support, such as replies to queries, correction of errors, and release of updated versions).
4)    The Data shall be used at the discretion of the User upon his/her consent to all conditions of the Rules. The User shall assume complete responsibility of all matters arising out of the use of or inability to use the Data.
5)    Components Direct is not liable to make any corrections of any kind even in the case of errors in the Data, improper functioning, or other defect. Components Direct may correct or update the Data, but the decision to release such revised version rests within the sole discretion of Components Direct.

Clause 9: Limitation of Liability for Damages 
Components Direct does not assume any responsibility whatsoever for any losses or damages (including, but not limited to, lost profits, interruption of business, loss of business opportunities, and other direct or indirect damages) arising out of the use of or inability to use the Data. The same holds true even if Components Direct has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 

Clause 10: General Stipulations 
The Rules constitute a legal agreement representing the mutual consent of the User and Components Direct concerning the use of the Data. Should some or a part of provisions of the Rules become invalid, the validity of the other provisions remains in effect. All matters concerning the Rules and the Data shall be construed in accordance with the laws of England. Any dispute with Components Direct arising in relation to the Rules and the Data shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts. 


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The team were very helpful in identifying the drawer slides I needed to replace existing runners that were damaged in my motor home. The parts were available from stock and delivered the next day. Thank you for your help. Christine

28 April 2023

Case Studies

A Camloc Gas Strut Makes Light Work of a Heavy Lid

We worked with our customer, deploying a Camloc Gas Strut to create a functional and cost effective solution. The...

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Expanding Our Gas Strut Range: New Partnership with ASRaymond

We are thrilled to announce that Components Direct has signed a distribution agreement with Barnes Group...

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We’re Celebrating 25 Years of Components Direct

We’re thrilled to announce that Components Direct has reached an incredible milestone - 25 years of...

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